What's Changing
Maximum number of items allowed per collection period reduced from six to three.
Maximum garbage bin size reduced to 140L (37 gallons)
What Defines an "Item"
140L [or smaller] bin of garbage
Large Garbage Bag [maximum 33lbs]
Household Items [chair, couch, shelf]
The Solid Waste team is rolling out the new collection system in phases to help ease you into the change. The changes will gradually occur over the course of three months, and residents can expect to receive a mailout detailing the changes. The timeline is as follows:
October 2024
All garbage will be collected even if the limit is exceeded. A courtesy tag will be left to indicate the new limit and how to encourage proper participation in recycling and diversion programs to limit waste.
November 2024
Garbage collected; households that exceed limit will have one item left behind with courtesy tag.
December 2024 - Onwards
Households exceeding three-item garbage limit will have all garbage left at the curb with a courtesy tag attached
Please Note: Under council direction, courtesy tagging for bins over the 140L limit will continue until May 2, 2025, allowing residents time to purchase new bins that comply with the bin size standards outlined in the Solid Waste By-law.
Special Considerations Program
Certain items such as diapers would be included in the city's special considerations program which would allow for additional collection of these items. For more information and to find out if you're eligible please visit the city's website.
Agriculture Considerations Program
Staff recognize that residential agriculture properties like farms can produce unavoidable and unrecyclable waste due to the nature of the industry. As a result, registered agricultural properties with residential households on curbside collection are exempt from the three-item limit from April 1 to May 31 every year. Eligible households will receive a letter in the mail in September 2024

Yellow Bag Program
Curbside residents who may exceed the three-item garbage limit on occasion can purchase yellow bags across the City at participating locations in packages of four for $17.60
In Orléans, yellow bags are available at:
François Dupuis Recreation Centre (2263 Portobello Blvd)
Orléans Home Hardware (470 Charlemagne Blvd)
Orléans Client Service Centre (255 Centrum Blvd)
A full list of locations where yellow bags are available for purchase is available through the link below. Additionally bags are available for purchase at any Client Service Centre during regular business hours.