There have been recent sightings of black bears in Cumberland Village. Although black bears are usually shy and stay away from humans, they may come across Ottawa residents in their search for food during the fall. Be bear aware: don’t leave pet food outdoors. Bears can be attracted to bird feeders nearby, barbecue, composter, fruit trees, sweet corn or grain fields on your property.
The Bear Wise website offers some precautions you can take to avoid attracting black bears:
• Put garbage out only on the morning of collection.
• Store garbage in waste containers with tight-fitting lids.
• Put away bird feeders and offer natural alternatives like flowers, nesting boxes and fresh water.
• Clean outdoor grills after each use, including the grease trap underneath.
To deal with bear problems:
• Report any bear issues to the provincial Bear Reporting Line at 1-866-514-BEAR (2327).
• In the event of a bear emergency, call police at 9-1-1.